Friday 5 June 2015

Change Windows 8.1 lock screen time out 60 sec [Solved]

Daca si voua vi se stinge monitorul dupa un min ...
Dupa ce am incercat mai multe chestii, gen :

"You are most likely under PC Settings -> Accounts. The easiest way is to just press the windows key -> type: "user accounts" -> Reset Security Policies, located on the upper left hand side of the window.
Also found under:
Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Security -> User Accounts
If it is not located under there then I believe that no changes have been made that require a reset, or you may have a different issue at hand other than an application enabling a 1 minute auto-lock feature onto your window's user account."

For the lucky one ! this works !

BUT I don't have "Reset Security Policies" button or checkbox !

After few hours of backUp-ing Registry and try diffrent values, I fount this:
And yes !! is a Romanian !! ;)

the registry key and value below:


Attributes DWORD
1 = Hide "Console lock display off timeout"
2 = Show "Console lock display off timeout"

This is for showing that option in PowerOption > Display
But why this fix to work from first try ! ?? :)
so open Registry => Win + R , or cmd and type: regedit
1) Export (for backup)
2 Find : 7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99

or by hand find : >HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7

ok this key has 3 sub-kyes as you can see in the secon picture.
In the picture DefaultPowerSchemeValues > begins with : Bc537fda
I modified the one from middle with value 450 from 60 :)
As you can see with red squares
I changed Attribute value to 2, but in the Power Option => Display => Consoloe lock , I got a string:
something like : @%SystemRoot%\system32\powrprof.dll,-60,seconds
I saw that string in ValueUnits filed, so I changed like this :
and now PowerOption works :

Control Panel > Power Options > select a Plan > Edit Plan Settings > Change advanced power settings

Here as I showed in the picture I wasn't able do modify the value because was a log string
After that, you can see, now I can modify value to 5 min and 10 min. !!
Have fun !

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